ImpoProof GP6600S
The ImpoProof has earned a reputation as the premier double-sided proofing solution in the world. The combination of Canon printer performance and a unique registration system has made the ImpoProof the industry leader in speed, quality, accuracy and reliability.
It is accurate. The time-tested camera registration system has made the ImpoProof, without question, the industry leader in repeatability with a +/-1MM registration tolerance.
It is profitable. As a fully-automated solution, ImpoProof achieves an unmatched level of efficiency with the least amount of operator involvement. And the combination of Canon's superior ink yield and a cost-effective list of certified papers guarantee the industry's lowest cost per double-sided proof.
The picture is of the GP4600S. The GP6600S is the same configuration and is simply 16' wider.
You can download the brochure for the 6600S for approximate specifications.

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